My Beautiful Studio
After being in Virginia for ten months, I have finally put my studio in order. And I have to say, it is the most beautiful studio I have ever had, and probably, the most beautiful studio ever. You can think yours is better all you like. You're wrong. Sorry, but the truth is, this is it.
I took a panoramic shot, but it didn't come out quite right, so I just took shots of each space. On the left, poor Jennifer was left in pieces all this time, even had a long try on Craig's List, with only one potential buyer who kept trying to beat me down on price, only to say Jennifer was too big and not counterbalance. Whatever! I put her back together yesterday, and she will go back to weaving rugs, her happy place.

Tootsie has been rethreaded with the Swedish Lace dishtowels that didn't go well the first try. Her plain weave is so far, so good, and the pattern will be checked this afternoon.
Jenny has her next warp draped over her, the indigo warp I dyed with Pam and Lillian last fall, with two prospective wefts, one Angora, and the other Alpaca-Tencel blend. Which kind of lusciousness will I choose? And the pattern is the Ancient Rose from Davison, something I used for the weaving-with-embroidery-floss from Tuesday Weavers many years ago. I just put the pattern into Weave Design, but need to center it better before I get started.
I thought it would be nice to have lace on one loom and overshot on the other so I can simply turn around on the bench and weave something new every so often.

Not that cat's are allowed in the studio! But somehow, they sneak in. Right now, Weft is sleeping in a bag of yarn by my right foot.

One of the bookcases is holding knitting yarn, and I have been busy knitting, for sure.
I finished the Birkin by Caitlin Hunter in time for Mom's birthday in November, finished my Thea Colman sweater in October, and then made my sister one just like it, just done the day before Christmas! That is definitely the most sweaters I have ever made in one year!
And now, I'm working on a black cardigan in mistake rib for myself, and have joined the Lace/Cable KAL from Fruity Knitting, with the Ocracoke Cardigan by Shirley Paden. It's all lace, and takes all my concentration. When I need to knit, but can't concentrate, the mistake rib cardigan jumps into my hands, but early mornings are for the lace cardi. It's going to look lovely with a pair of jeans and a white shirt.

That's all the fibery news from here. I'm looking forward to my first full year here, gardening and weaving and meeting new fibery friends. Though it's a bit late, Happy New Year to all!