The adventure begins...

I finished wrestling the aborted back-to-front warp off the raddle and away from the kitten, and moved up to the front.  Here you see the completely sleyed reed.  I would love to know where that term comes from, and I dearly love to use it.  I feel as if I've accomplished something more daring than pulling threads though a defenseless, captive frame of metal slots.  I feel as if I should have singed hair on my arms and that my sword-arm should be tired.  Instead, I have a slight tingle in my right hand, and my rear is a bit numb, as well as a twinge between my shoulders from being hunched over the loom for a couple of hours.
 But!  No matter!  The deed is done, I am back at the front, where nature intended a weaver to warp!  I actually did this yesterday morning.  Today was far too beautiful to sit at a loom.  I turned off the furnace, opened a lot of windows and went out to do yard work.  The plan had been to mow, but even my incredibly gifted mechanic of a sister was unable to fix my mower, and it had to go to the repair shop.
Here is Leo, the day after his 9th birthday, enjoying the open window.  At one point during my yard work, I looked at the house and all 3 pets were watching me.  I had no camera, though, so you'll just have to take my word as to how adorable it was.  Soon, the tree in the corner will be able to go out on the front porch, where it will soon be covered with purple cones of tiny flowers.
  Tomorrow will be prettier than today, but I'll be at work, making chow chow from greens.  Photos will follow!


LA said…
Your "sleyed reed" looks very nice, indeed...but I'll stick to "back to front."
Bonnie said…
Not me. Front to back. Yes, today was and outside day for yard work.
Tina J said…
what a wonderful day to be outside! Front to back is my favorite so far, but I have been known to switch it up just for fun.
Valerie said…
Thanks for stopping by to comment. Thought I'd visit your blog and have a look around....what a treat! I love your writing and our interests (and perspectives) are similar.

However, I'm a "back to front" must have a lot to do with how one first learns.

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