Dyeing to Have Fun

 Yesterday, on a gorgeous fall day, fiber friends gathered at LouAnn's house to dye together.  Colors were mixed, warps, and sometimes wefts, were laid out in serpentine patterns and art was created.

Here is my bamboo warp for scarves, getting rolled up for its 48 hour rest, if I can wait that long.  I have another, a cotton weft made for the blue baby blankets.  They'll be the subject of tomorrow's entry for Loomy Tunes, where their reveal will be made public.

 Everyone had their own method; Carol's were all very precise, with the color bands very evenly spaced.

 Ann preferred an experimental approach, first striping parallel, and later, dotting overdyed with soft dabs of another color.

 Ila had her sous chef, LaDonna mixing her colors, here a lovely soft red.

Here, a long piece woven by Pat for napkins that turned out too firm became a group-dyed table runner.  Pat plans on making herself a runner first, then bringing the remainder back to the group for another use.  It'll be perfect for her dining room.

 After Tina knitted a bamboo "blank" for LouAnn, many hands were offered to paint it.  Some preferred the variegation of sections rolled up; some liked the more intense colors when the blank was unrolled.
I was one of the first to leave, motivated by talk of Trick or Treating actually happening on the 30th rather than the 31st.  I carved my jack-o-lanterns while keeping an eye out for Trick or Treaters, but by 5:30, determined that my friends were wrong.  But now I'm ready for the little costumed guys and ghouls when they show up tonight.
  Today is garden plowing day!  I have my Crimson Clover seeds and my rye grass seeds; the grass in the garden plot is quite dead and ready to be tilled.  I'm anxious to get started, but the pets decided to wake me up at 3:30, and now I'm up, caffeinated and it's still dark outside.  Maybe I'll go wind a baby blanket warp...
     Happy Halloween!


LA said…
Depending on how my day goes, I may have to wait until tomorrow to rinse my warps. I'm really excited to see the bamboo blank and get it spooled. What a great way to spend a beautiful fall day!
Sharon said…
I've never dyed a chained warp. That's on my list, but below a bajillion other things I want to get to. I hope you'll show your warp on the loom (with a yellow kitty).
Unknown said…
Your pumpkins are super! I may have to jump into the whole dying thing, but probably not yet.

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